"The First Lady of World War II" Insights from the Author
In this webinar "The First Lady of World War II": Insights from the Author, author Shannon McKenna Schmidt speaks about her new book, which details the secret trip Eleanor Roosevelt took to the Pacific Theater in 1943.
Shannon McKenna Schmidt is the author of THE FIRST LADY OF WORLD WAR II: Eleanor Roosevelt's Daring Journey to the Frontlines and Back. She is also the co-author of NOVEL DESTINATIONS: A Travel Guide to Literary Landmarks from Jane Austen’s Bath to Ernest Hemingway’s Key West and WRITERS BETWEEN THE COVERS: The Scandalous Romantic Lives of Legendary Literary Casanovas, Coquettes, and Cads.
In addition, Shannon has written for National Geographic Traveler, Shelf-Awareness, NPR.org, and other websites and publications, including an Arrive magazine cover story featuring President Bill Clinton. She has been a guest on "The Leonard Lopate Show" on WNYC and "The Travel Show with Arthur & Pauline Frommer," and has spoken at the New York Public Library, the Texas Book Festival, the Dallas Museum of Art, and other venues, including bookstores, libraries, and historic sites.
From 2010 through 2017, Shannon traveled full-time --- first in the United States by RV and then backpacking around the globe. Now, when she's not on the road, she lives in Hoboken, New Jersey.