Rights & Reproductions

Reproduction Policy

The National Museum of the Pacific War offers duplication services for archival material including photographs and manuscripts. We offer two options for duplication: Research Quality and Publication Quality.

Research Quality reproductions are typically for independent researchers who do not intend to use the reproductions beyond personal use. Research Quality reproductions will be sent as JPEG files and will be watermarked.

Publication Quality reproductions are typically for use in published works, exhibits, or other displays. Publication Quality reproductions can be sent as high-quality JPEG or TIFF files, dependent upon the requests of the researcher.

Duplication requires a fee dependent upon the quality and number of scans. Please see the document below for an outline of duplication fees.

Please note that reference reproductions will be processed in the order that they are received unless the individual requests a rush process, at which time there will be an additional fee. Scans are delivered electronically; no hard copies will be provided.

Please note that if you request Publication Quality scans, there will be an additional preservation and handling fee.

If you are interested in requesting a duplication of 2D material from the Center for Pacific War Studies, please fill out the following form.

To learn more about reproduction at the National Museum of the Pacific War or to request digitization, please contact the archivist at archives@nimitzfoundation.org

Click here for Center of the Pacific War Studies Duplication Fees

On-Site Digital Photography

Readers who use the Roger Pineau Reading Room are strongly encouraged to take their own photographs of archival material for research purposes. Users may take reference photos following the Center for Pacific War Studies Reading Room Policies:

  • The Center for Pacific War Studies reserves the right to refuse permission when such imaging would cause injury to archival material and/or violate donor restrictions or copyright.
  • Audible features and flash must be disabled.
  • No tripods or portable scanners requiring contact with materials are allowed.
  • Materials must be handled properly and with great care:
    • Bound volumes must be supported in a book cradle; no pressure can be applied to the bindings.
    • Manuscript/archival materials must remain in its folder and kept in order at all times. Documents must be kept flat on the table. If material is stapled, please see the archivist before proceeding.
  • It is the responsibility of each reader to record proper citation information for each item photographed.
  • No pictures may be taken of other users or the staff.

Use of Material

Any use of material from the Center for Pacific War Studies in published works requires a one-time preservation and handling fee, as well as a line crediting the Center for Pacific War Studies as the source of the material.

The handling and preservation fee varies depending on the individual or institution using the material. Please see the Duplication Fees document above for a breakdown of the preservation and handling fees.

A handling and preservation fee will be required if you are requesting Publication Quality reproductions or if you plan on using the material in any of the following published forms:

  • Book
  • Periodical
  • Film/Video
  • Audio CD
  • TV broadcast
  • Radio broadcast
  • Website
  • Exhibition
  • Advertisement
  • Other published formats

If you have any questions regarding the use of materials from the Center for Pacific War Studies, please reach out to the archivist at archives@nimitzfoundation.org.


The Center for Pacific War Studies relies on the information provided by donors regarding the intellectual property rights associated with donated material. While we make diligent efforts to ascertain and respect copyright and intellectual property rights, there may be instances where the museum is unaware of any existing third-party rights. In such cases, the museum encourages copyright holders or individuals with relevant information to come forward and provide necessary details for accurate documentation and compliance. Due to the nature of the archival material at the Center for Pacific War Studies, all users assume full responsibility for any infringement of copyright and publication rights of reproduced material.

If you believe that your rights have been infringed or if you have additional information about the copyright status of materials housed in the Center for Pacific War Studies, please contact the archivist at archives@nimitzfoundation.org.