Planned Giving

Did you know there are creative ways to support the Admiral Nimitz Foundation where you, your family, and the Foundation can benefit from planned paths of generosity? Planned Giving is a thoughtful way to make a gift that costs nothing during your lifetime. You can reduce your income tax, avoid capital gains taxes, leave a legacy without giving up assets, and take care of the financial needs of your family first.

We would be honored to visit with you to discuss your options. To learn more, either fill out the form below or contact Steve Reily, Deputy Director of Development, by email at or by phone at 830-997-8600, ext. 211.

Planned Giving Form

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My brother was a gunnery officer aboard the Samuel B Roberts that sunk in the battle of Leyte Gulf during the Pacific War. Many years ago, one of his boyhood friends and schoolmates introduced me to the National Museum of the Pacific War by inviting me to my first Symposium. I have supported the museum ever since. When my wife died, the museum became my life and kept me busy and healthy. My gratitude to the organization and the loyal employees is immense, and I will always be grateful for how the museum has contributed to my life.

Bob LeClercq

What is Planned Giving? When individuals or couples review their financial assets, they can plan on how to use those assets after they are gone. Planned gifts can use legal and tax strategies when working with professionals to outline bequests through a written will or living trust.

What are some examples of Planned Gifts?

  • Cash of appreciated securities or pledged cash donations in general
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts provide an income stream for individuals until their deaths, with the non-profit receiving the remainder in the trust
  • Charitable Lead Trusts that produce a steady stream of funds for the non-profit until the contributor's death with designated heirs receiving the remainder of the trust
  • Charitable rollover of a qualified retirement plan, such as an IRA, 401(k), or 403(b).
  • Life Insurance Policy where the non-profit is the beneficiary - Any %
  • Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) Gifting directs the transfer of funds from an IRA custodian to a qualified charity and receives potential tax benefits.
  • Donor-Advised Funds allow you to create an account for multiple charities, to be named when you choose, that can be distributed when you decide.

Why should people consider a planned gift? In declaring a planned gift, contributors leave a lasting impact on their family as well as the community that the gift supports. The gifts are arranged as a pledge or bequest, and paid out later, which ensures the Admiral Nimitz Foundation continues to preserve the lessons learned from the Pacific War and educates future generations and communities.

Why should you choose the Admiral Nimitz Foundation as a beneficiary? The National Museum of the Pacific War is a nationally acclaimed museum that exclusively preserves the Pacific War history. The Admiral Nimitz Foundation operates the state-owned museum through a mission of education that must be shared with the younger generations across all communities, whether in-person visiting the museum or through virtual programming and content.

  • This is an opportunity to contribute to a lasting historical and cultural message that transcends beyond one’s lifetime
  • A gift free from federal and state taxes
  • The Admiral Nimitz Foundation will continue to provide an educational platform for young students of all future generations
  • The National Museum of the Pacific War, operated by the Admiral Nimitz Foundation, will remain a top-rated museum worthy of generous contributions and investments
  • The confidence that the Admiral Nimitz Foundation is a good steward of gifts and that we treat these contributions as an investment lasting many lifetimes

DISCLAIMER- The SECURE Act, which went into effect January 1, 2020, raised the age when an individual is required to take minimum distributions from their requirement accounts. It was raised from 70 ½ years of age to 72. Please refer to the IRS website for more information. Please be aware that required minimum distribution is scheduled to be active again in 2021. Plan today for those tax implications.

Become A Part of The Fleet Admiral Nimitz Legacy Society Today

ANF Documents

Letter of Intent for Estate Gift 2021

To become a member and ensure the lasting impact of the Admiral Nimitz Foundation, please download the letter of intent and send (email or USPS) to the Development Director at