Hispanic Heroes of WWII

Margaret Dudley

Hispanic Heritage Videos


  • Hispanic Heroes of WWII (full video)
  • Cleto Rodriguez (segment)
  • Hector P. Garcia (segment)
  • Latina Heroes of WWII (segment)

Hispanic Heroes of WWII

This video explores a selection of Hispanic heroes and figures from WWII. This includes the history of Mexican service in the United States, and the challenges and prejudices that they overcame as they served their country and went above and beyond the call of duty to play their part in the war.

Cleto Rodriguez

This video dives into the heroic service of Cleto Rodriguez, the first Mexican-American to earn the Congressional Medal of Honor for service in the Pacific Theater of WWII.

Hector P. Garcia

This video examines the actions and legacy of Dr. Hector P. Garcia, a Hispanic doctor and soldier who fought against racial prejudice during his service to America, and inspired countless Mexican-Americans in the struggle for equality.

Latina Heroes of WWII

This video examines some of the Latinas who supported the war, overcoming barriers and prejudice as they played their part in America's fight during WWII.

TEKS for Hispanic Heritage Program

Grades 2-7, Social Studies TEKS. Covers History, Patriotism, Citizenship

2nd Grade: 113.13; (A) 5 , 10 a, b 13 b, c

3rd Grade : 113.14; 1,2,5; 1A, 11A, 15B

4th Grade : 113.15; (A)2,5 (B) 5A, 5C

5th Grade: 113.16; (5) A, C

7th Grade: 7.1 a, 7.7d, 7.7e

Educators Form

Videos | Education | K-12